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Andrew Sikomas
4 min read
Credit Score
TL;DR: Closing an old un-used credit account might hurt your score; your score will go up or down for a variety of reasons; a good credit...

Andrew Sikomas
2 min read
Credit Checks
Is it really necessary to pull credit? Will it hurt me? TL;DR: Yes, it is necessary. And generally, no, it won't hurt you. But it can...

Andrew Sikomas
3 min read
Considering a subject-free offer?
If you're in the market for a new home in 2022, in just about any market in Canada, there's a good chance you may be facing some stiff...

Andrew Sikomas
3 min read
10 things to consider before renewing your mortgage
TL;DR: don't just sign on the dotted line from your current lender. Your renewal is a free opportunity to make sure you're getting the...

Andrew Sikomas
5 min read
RRSP Home Buyer's Program
TL;DR: you can take up to $35k/person out of your RRSPs tax-free to buy your first home. You pay back your RRSP over 15 years, or you pay...

Andrew Sikomas
3 min read
Programs for first time home buyers
TL;DR: most of these programs are just for first time buyers, and some of them are "use it or lose it" so you'll want to know what they...

Andrew Sikomas
3 min read
Deposit with offer vs down payments
TL;DR: a deposit with offer is a show of seriousness when you're negotiating an offer to purchase a property, while the down payment is...

Andrew Sikomas
7 min read
How much does it cost to buy a home? Learn all about closing costs.
TL;DR: Budget about 1.5% of the home price, over and above your down payment. That number will be different (possibly very different) for...

Andrew Sikomas
5 min read
Include renovations in your mortgage - here's how! (Purchase + Improvements)
TL;DR: When purchasing a home, buyers can add the cost of home upgrades into their mortgage. The program is designed to allow for up to...

Andrew Sikomas
3 min read
What is a mortgage pre-approval? How is it different from a pre-qualification?
A fast, easy and free pre-approval from Click Mortgage is the best way to find out where you stand if you're thinking about buying a home

Andrew Sikomas
3 min read
Fixed vs. Variable Rate Mortgages: What To Choose
When people hear that we’re mortgage brokers, the first question that they usually ask is, “what’s your best rate?” The reason we don’t...

Andrew Sikomas
3 min read
Why You Should Purchase Life Insurance
Life Insurance? Isn’t That Just For Old People? If there’s one thing more boring than mortgages, it’s life insurance. So, we get it if...
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